t-Gamers EAS 5on5   id:  1658800
Name t-Gamers EAS 5on5
Shorthandle -.tG|
Registered since 10/02/06
Homepage http://www.t-gamers.de.vu
IRC #mytG  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany / Bad Vilbel
IRC #mytG  (QuakeNet)
Join team
The tactical-Gamers CS 1.6 Team, revived January 2006.

» We're playing for fun, neither for fame nor other achievements regarding this game.

» If possible, challenge us through the Challenge-system from the ESL, at least 2 days before you want to play.

If you challenge us, you accept playing on maps concerning the EAS mappool ONLY !!


¤ Sieger lädt die Screens hoch!
¤ Wir werden nicht flamen oder Cheats unterstellen, wir bitten Euch, dies auch zu tun.
¤ Ergebnisse direkt nach dem War bestätigen !
¤ Bewertet nicht das Ergebnis, sondern unser Verhalten !
¤ Habt Spaß und viel Glück :o

¤ Winner uploads screenshots !
¤ We wont flame or suspect cheats, we'd like you to do this, too.
¤ Please accept results immediatly after the War !
¤ Do not rate the result, rate our behaviour.
¤ Good luck and have fun !
