▼ Bolero Captio Solutions - We solve your Problems ▼
► Reactivated and ready to go!
► Challenges are always welcome
► Ready for Electronic Amateur Series
► Forderungen, Anfragen auf PCW`s etc. sind mit quick abzusprechen.
► b[Information
Homepage: www.bolero.de.ki
IRC-Chan: #BC-Solutions (Quakenet)
► Management & Organisation
¤ Andre quick Beyer
► Roster BC-Solutions
¤ BC-Solutions|Kazim gunt Tancuroglu
¤ BC-Solutions|Andre quick Beyer (Team-Captain)
¤ BC-Solutions|Jan fnity
¤ BC-Solutions|Andris clepto Dukats
¤ BC-Solutions|Nils vable Remix
¤ BC-Solutions|Nick tihonen Staggenborg
► Sponsoring
¤ We are currently sponsored by www.skill-hosting.de who support us with a clan server and a ventrilo server.
Skill hosting supports ambitioned clans and squads, visit their homepage for further information.
¤ We are currently looking for a new sponsor or a Multigaming Clan which supports us. |