xeTox.staff   id:  1985795
Name xeTox.staff
Shorthandle xTx.staff
Registered since 15/08/06
Homepage http://www.xtx-gaming.eu
IRC #xetox  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of xeTox -closed-
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #xetox  (QuakeNet)
Join team
xeTox – keep on playing!

¬ Teams:
Battlefield 2142 [GER]
Call of Duty 2 [IT]
Counter Strike 1.6 [GER]
Counter Strike 1.6 [IT]
Counter Strike Source [GER]
Counter Strike Source [ALPEN]

¬ Info:
Website: xTx-gaming.eu
E-Mail: [email protected]
IRC: #xeTox (QuakeNet)
Headquarter: Schweinfurt, Deutschland
Since: 11. Januar 2005

¬ Office:
Alexander 'zuendler'
Alexander 'LexX*'
Andreas 'p00f'
Artur 'Monster'
Christopher 'chrz'
Daniel 'lowraider'
Dima 'moi*'
Kevin 'Justuz'
Marlon 'X-Zibit'
Piere 'P i E R R E <3'
Roman 'Spow²'
Thomas 'm3Foo'
Tobias 'puLs'

¬ Presentation:
xeTox – keep on playing!
xeTox was found in 2005, based on the idea, to develop one of the biggest projects in Europe in the future. Already after the foundation of xeTox, the esport organisation could get the first rankings in Germany. xeTox is managing altogether 10 Teams, on a national and international level, in Counter Strike 1.6 (Male and Female), Counterstrike Source, Call of Duty 2, Warcraft III, Battlefield 2142 and Starwars: Jedi Academy. The organisation is working hard and step by step, to avoid possible misstakes, by a self-developed TPM-system (Team Project Management System). As an accredited professional esports organisation of the ESB ( = Deutscher eSport Bund), xeTox shows international quality.

¬ Sponsors:
ConceptT | BNC’s and more …
eDuel | Portal for Onlinegaming
Frey | Getränkehandel
Go2Gameserver | Professionals Gameserver
XL-Host | experts in linux hosting
Interneo | Team Speak² Server Hosting
SMART | Professional eSport Solution

¬ Accredited:
ESB | Deutscher eSport Bund
STEAM Community Group
eSport Markt
eSport Presseclub

¬ Next Events:
Games Convention 2007 ( 23.-26.8.2007 )
The Summit IX ( 19.-21.10.2007 )
Northcon Winter 2007 ( 13.-16.12.2007 )