2nd European Coalition  CS:GO Squad  id:  2227521
Name 2nd European Coalition
Shorthandle 2eC
Registered since 05/01/07
Homepage http://www.2ec-gaming.com
IRC #2EC  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
We are a multigaming community based mostly on FPS and RTS games. The core of the clan have been playing together for at least 2 years for another community and when it was shut down they founded the 2eC|. We try to bring fun for every member on every different level of skill. U are always welcome to visit us at our homepage or IRC channel.
IRC #2EC  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 CM Storm Opening Cup
loss   ECVisualize  0 Sunday, 24/06/12 11:45 0
wins   Firgek  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 10:35 0
wins   INTERNET.CSS  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 09:15 0
wins   xFragLine  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 08:00 7
  Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
loss   Crazy WolfPack  -25 Thursday, 24/11/11 14:00 0
  Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
loss   Flawless Victory Alpha  0 Monday, 07/11/11 13:00 2