TEK9 Networks   id:  2282668
Name TEK9 Networks
Shorthandle TEK9
Registered since 02/02/07
Homepage http://www.tek-9.org
IRC #tek9  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
IRC #tek9  (QuakeNet)
Join team
#tek9 - TEK9 Networks "Everything else is just gaming"

TEK9 Networks is branded and managed by Gamevibes BVBA. For more information visit Gamevibes


► Information

Homepage: TEK9 Networks
IRC-Channel: #tek9 (QuakeNet)


► TEK9 Networks | Call of Duty 4

► Team-Manager

,•’ TEK9 | dfb

► Team-Captain


► Team-Orga

,•’ TEK9 | davy

► Line-up

,•’ TEK9 | strelok
,•’ TEK9 | davy
,•’ TEK9 | haya
,•’ TEK9 | Stevy


#1 OCC 19.5 - Belgium
#5 Rumble at Playz - Sweden
#5 Outpost on Fire - Belgium
#3 Eurocup LAN Finals - Denmark
#1 Milk LAN - France
#2 SHG Open - Denmark
#3 Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 - The Netherlands
#1 World Series of Video Games(WSVG) - America
#1 Outpost on Fire 2 - Belgium
#1 CB EuroCup XV LAN - The Netherlands
#2 Activision LAN - France
#5-8th Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4
#5-6th I33

► Online

#2 EMS Season 1 Qualifier
#1 Total Gaming League EU Open
#1 Tek9 Powercup #3
#1 Tek9 Powercup #4
#2 codQcup January 2008 Edition
#1 Xfire Trophy
#1 EnemyDown Cup
#2 Xfire Trophy


► Sponsors

,•’ Steelseries - For all our gaming hardware we thank Steelseries for it.

,•’ Chief - One of the best gaming magazines in Belgium.

,•’ Maxevent - Thanks to Maxevent we can represent Tek9 with the clothing we get from them on LANS.

,•’ Gamegear - Gamegear is one of a kind when it comes to gear, they support us with the gear we need.

,•’ FSHOST - FSHOST provides us with the servers we need.

,•’ Bouncer4you - For all you bouncers on irc, Bouncer4you is what you want!

,•’ Outpost - Our official LAN center for our own LAN tournaments.

,•’ Fucapo - Energy chewing gum for you!


#tek9 - TEK9 Networks "Everything else is just gaming"