***-salad bowl eGaming/-***
salad bowl has it's roots back in 2000 when
both of his leading members tigercop aka dave and
andre aka puTschi began to rock in the esl as
in 2002 they had their most succesful year when beating
high ranked teams in the esl such as #krauts
internal problems led to their seperating in 2004.
tigercop and puTschi tried some successful time in the 2on2 old ladder but it wasn't the same as playing with all their friends, they quitted...
now in 2007 ,much older&grown ,having finished school they're ready to try again...
e.logix ---- is -- now --->>> Salad Bowl
---- the team ----
team captain : dave.cn
team co captain&manager : puTschi.us
player : freak.in
player : sesam.ger
player : driton.alb
player : 3nte.tw
cya on esl
hf & gl |