Special Tactical Clan  Multikiller  id:  2450744
Name Special Tactical Clan
Shorthandle STC
Registered since 30/04/07
Homepage http://www.stc-eSports.de
Subteam of Special Tactical Clan
Headquarters  Germany
Join team
We look for still players starting from 16 years.

Before you demand us, hold with us over ICQ / E-Mail contact.

╔══╦═► Special Tactical Clan

╟► Battlefield 2142 since 11.2006

╟► Battlefield 2 since 05.2006

╟► Counterstrike-Source since 01.2005

╟► Multigaming since 01.2005

╟► SWAT 4 since 07.04.2005

╔══╦═► Spielzeiten / Kontaktmöglichkeiten

╟► Mailto: [email protected]

╟► ICQ 205443925

╟► http://www.stc-esports.de
╟► Warzeiten ab 20 Uhr täglich
╟► Warserver IP:
╟► Teamspeak IP:

╔══╦═► *** Spieler gesucht ***

╟► Du bist 16 und suchst einen professionellen Clan?? dann melde dich bei uns :-)