Carpe Diem   id:  2568055
Name Carpe Diem
Shorthandle cd
Registered since 27/06/07
Headquarters  Germany
Ein Team - eine Gemeinschaft - eine Möglichkeit

Ziel des Teams ist es möglichst viele Spiele zu absolvieren, also fühlt euch frei zu joinen :)

Gott Hilf Uns .. WIR KOMMEN!
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 2on2 Pistols Only Ladder
loss   KRALJA KOKAINA  -20 Sunday, 27/02/11 18:45 8
loss   to the limiT  -25 Monday, 21/02/11 17:30 7
loss   e r r 0 r  -23 Wednesday, 16/02/11 19:36 8
loss   pimpraphustlerflow  -15 Friday, 11/02/11 20:54 8
wins   dA-Gaming 2on2 Female Pistol  + 29 Friday, 11/02/11 19:42 16
loss   SINCE77  -25 Friday, 04/02/11 16:22 5
loss   einfach bissl aim0rN  -26 Thursday, 03/02/11 18:57 10
loss   roll the dice  -18 Tuesday, 25/01/11 17:55 10
wins   nSk Azzlackz  + 25 Monday, 24/01/11 21:16 10