1947 - First patent of string underwear
1956 - Release of the new collection "Pink"
1961 - Schaffer became CEO of "pink thong ltd."
1968 - Pink horassment law suit (we lost)
1969 - Founders of the "burning brah festival"
1970 - Schaffer got a haircut
1972 - New collection released "string - it's a lifestyle"
1975 - 8 Factorys opened
1975 - 12 Factorys closed
1975 - 4 Factorys given back to rightful owners (and opened again)
1993 - Schaffer released from prison
1993 - New collection "pink thong for convicts"
1994 - Biography written "1975 was a bad year"
1994 - Biography addendum "Excuse my bad spelling"
1999 - Pink thong crew formed
2001 - Total ownage in "stringing and singing festival"
2003 - Guest performance as Yellow Devils (with pink string underneath)
2004 - team subRosa was born & raised by westcoast custom strippers
2005 - BF2 purchased, played and trained |