Main Members (2) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History wE loVe Specnaz and his lAggs id: 2615778 Name wE loVe Specnaz and his lAggs Shorthandle SL Registered since 21/07/07 Homepage IRC #specnaz (QuakeNet) Headquarters Pakistan Specnaz buy net? Sure? JOIN! PW=specnaz "™ | SPECNAZ: omg BenQ przesadziłeś nie odzywaj sie już do mnie narazie" xDDD "™ | SPECNAZ: i love u soo much too " "™ | SPECNAZ: vandal kurwa denerwujesz mnie to ty masz lagi nie ja" xDD oj Vandal... :* <pocieszacz> more... Members Player Aea and ermak Contact IRC #specnaz (QuakeNet) Join team