Tanganyikas  1.6  id:  3015338
Name Tanganyikas
Shorthandle StoneHead2.com
Registered since 03/02/08
Homepage http://www.stonehead2.com
IRC #tanganyikas  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of eoLithix Network EAS
Headquarters  Germany
Stone-Head2.com sponsoring and gaming since 2006

Tanganyikas 1.6 Lineup:

¬ ilo ~ die gute Seele, die uns alle zusammenbrachte
¬ lok ~ der WoW-süchtige Aimbot
¬ exter ~ der Gamereader
¬ stimpack ~ der koreanische Profi
¬ quade ~ unsere Antwort auf "gore"

"To win without risk is to triumph without glory"
IRC #tanganyikas  (QuakeNet)
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