Guerilla Method  CSGO  id:  3120922
Name Guerilla Method
Shorthandle GM`
Registered since 19/03/08
Headquarters  Serbia
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The name Guerilla Method first came up in 2001 but was quickly forgotten due to sponsorship issues with our current main sponsor. It was first used when our Counter-Strike squad left Metronet Internet Café and started its own eSports team in 2003.

Guerilla was one of the best Serbian Counter-Strike teams during the 2003 / 2005 period. It used to be so good that we were even able to set a negative record, playing in 9 finals of 12 major tournaments in 2004.
In 2004. GM eSports became one of the first Serbian multigaming teams, competing in CS1.6, FIFA, C&C and WC3.