batman  1966-68  id:  3205005
Name batman
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däädäädäädäädääädääädäää BATMAN
dääädäädäädäää BAAATMAN
dädäädädäädädädädä BATMAN BATMAN BATMAN

-> Batman <-
-> Robin <-
-> Batgirl <-
-> Riddler <-

Batman is a 1960s American television series, based on the DC comic book character Batman. It aired on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) network for 2½ seasons from January 12, 1966 to March 14, 1968. Because the series had two weekly installments for most of its tenure, it contained the same number of episodes as a five-year or even a five-and-a-half-year run by today's standards (shooting 22-24 episodes per season).