Team-United.  .wc3  id:  3223397
Name Team-United.
Shorthandle Team-U.
Registered since 06/05/08
IRC teamu  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
International War Craft 3 clan playing in several leagues.

Manager Contact Information:

MSN: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Penaltypoints (0.5)

0.5 Point Other (Rule X.c. - Late Statement) ( Match )
Each team has to write a statement for each of their matches in the regular season of the ESL WC3L Series. This match statement has to be posted at least 24 hours but no more than 7 days before a match. This statement has to be written and saved as a match pre-report (not as comment in the match). The statement has to be in an adequate quality and should contain around 50 words. Missing, too short or inappropriate statements may result in a penalty.
IRC teamu  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Warcraft 3 WCIP Season III League
loss   Ex-MYM.WC3  + 1 Saturday, 24/01/09 11:00 16
loss   Teamedit..  0 Saturday, 17/01/09 12:00 11
wins   ProWar  + 3 Monday, 12/01/09 15:00 13
loss   sTa Gaming WarCraft III TFT  0 Saturday, 13/12/08 12:00 13
loss  + 1 Saturday, 06/12/08 12:00 12
loss   eXpertise  0 Wednesday, 03/12/08 11:00 7
wins   Exilits Legion  + 3 Saturday, 22/11/08 12:00 13
loss   Team Empire  0 Friday, 14/11/08 14:00 3
loss   (bye)  Saturday, 08/11/08 12:00 12
loss   All For One  + 1 Saturday, 01/11/08 12:00 9