n2o - gaming.de  WC3  id:  3294234
Name n2o - gaming.de
Shorthandle n2o
Registered since 11/06/08
Homepage http://www.n2o-gaming.de
IRC #n2o  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of n2o - gaming
Headquarters  Germany
Penaltypoints (0.5)

0.5 Point Other (Rule II. h. Wrong Game Account - Player Sunny) ( Match )
Every player must enter his Battle.Net ID and Garena ID in his ESL WCIP Premiership profile and always use the account written in the profile when playing in the ESL WCIP Premiership. If he fails to enter the Battle.Net ID and Garena ID before an upcoming season, the clan will receive 0.5 Penalty Points for every 48 hours it is delayed. (New players who join during a running season have 10 days to enter their account before the penalty stated above is effective, however it becomes effective immediately in case they are part of a lineup for a certain match before the 10 days are over.)
IRC #n2o  (QuakeNet)
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