Hallo Wand   id:  3311166
Name Hallo Wand
Registered since 19/06/08
Homepage http://wow.mm-dt.de
IRC #hallowand  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #hallowand  (QuakeNet)
Join team
..Rules before the Match:

.ask before challenging any @OP at
.IRC url[irc://de.quakenet.org][#hallowand]url @ QNet

..Rules during the Match:

.do not flame
.always finish your match
.do not cheat
.correct SteamIDs
.record demos

..Rules after the Match:

.please evaluate our behavior, not the result
.winner registers the result
.please confirm or register the result fast

..In General use ESL Aequitas!


.piri - 0:0:22517
.koi - 0:1:1129659