RedArmy   id:  3487823
Name RedArmy
Shorthandle |RA|
Registered since 06/09/08
IRC #redarmyclan  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  International
Area/Region Earth
IRC #redarmyclan  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Call of Duty 4 League Summer 2009 Promod Groupstage Relegation
loss   th_Clan  0 Sunday, 27/09/09 14:00 14
  Call of Duty 4 League Summer 2009 Promod Groupstage
wins   chicken.Wingz  + 3 Sunday, 23/08/09 14:00 10
loss   fifth-gaming  0 Sunday, 02/08/09 14:00 13
RA is a medium-sized clan playing CoD2 and CoD4 that was founded in June 2007
by two ex-members of another clan, RedHawk and Vlay. We are an international clan
with most of our members in Europe however we also have some members in North
America as well. Our main focus is to just have fun while playing but we also try
to keep organized and participate in ladders, leagues and tournaments when we can.

-- War contacts on Xfire:
-- |RA|RedHawk - rh91
-- |RA|Vlay - vlay
-- |RA|Uriel - wirtualbb
-- |RA|Mzehn - mzehn
-- |RA|DestiN - destination16