War Nerve   id:  3515060
Name War Nerve
Shorthandle WN
Registered since 19/09/08
Homepage http://www.freewebs.com/warner..
IRC #WarNerve  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Finland
IRC #WarNerve  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 5on5 EPS Qualifier Finland #1
loss   SCUBA-GAMING  0 Tuesday, 14/10/08 14:00 3
loss   munkka  0 Sunday, 12/10/08 14:00 5
loss   XPLOSIONS GRAND PLAYING  0 Thursday, 09/10/08 14:00 7
loss   Soltec.fi  0 Tuesday, 07/10/08 14:00 2
Lot\'s of oldschool lads playing in this team (started 1999-2001) and we appreciate good and well planned matches without unnecessary interruptions or delays. (ofcourse problems occur sometimes and we do what we would want others to do with us, if it was our side causing the problems). So if something happens that can wait to be solved after the game, then please let\'s finish the game and decide what to do after the game. I\'m sure everyones moods are going down if we have to pause the game for 30 minutes and everyone starts yelling at each other and consulting admins. If something like a bugflash or player drops happens, let\'s decide the score or other solutions, like take a rematch for some rounds that were unsolved, after the game please. Everyone should be happy in the server and know that it\'s a game going on where everyone should focus on their best play, not on yelling like a 5 year old kid who wants a lollipop from the store or in this case, a round or two in a counter strike match. Everything can be sorted after the game so everyone can stay up to their A-game and not waste energy on getting mad on the server.