Time To Die   id:  3775277
Name Time To Die
Shorthandle Time
Registered since 10/01/09
Homepage http://timetodie.ucoz.org
IRC timetodie  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Russia
IRC timetodie  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Warcraft 3 Clanwar Summer Cup 2009
wins   lelize  + 3 Monday, 14/09/09 14:00 8
loss   whinetrauben on tour  0 Friday, 14/08/09 14:00 1
wins   (bye)  Friday, 07/08/09 14:00 0
wins   eXpertise  + 3 Friday, 31/07/09 14:00 1
loss   ESM-Army Alliance  Friday, 24/07/09 14:00 0
Team created October 8, 2007 Viktor Nikolayev. Since then, many have played in various Russian leagues. Since January 2009, began to participate in EAS. First there was only WC3-squad, the summer we were joined CS-squad. Team seeks as much as possible to play and win. In that year, several players left the team in the inactivated, but also came new young players ready to play and win. Inside the team held tournaments 1x1. Our players also participate in other tournaments solo (Zotac, KerchNet, etc). Also often train together, strive to improve their Skill. Watch replays and water analyzing the game. Time To Die wish all teams good luck in the league.

List of Team Achievements:
- Playoff SummerCup 09
- Qualification NPL
- Qualification CCL

List of Player Achievements:
- ProChallenge 2 GoodGame.ru Time.CoDa top2