Komando AntiFascista   id:  3777729
Name Komando AntiFascista
Shorthandle [KaF]
Registered since 12/01/09
Homepage http://www.kaf-dods.tk/
IRC #KAF  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Spain
si kereis dejarnos algun mensaje aqui podeis tanto para hechar PCW,pa que os reclutemos etc http://kaf.superforos.com/
IRC #KAF  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 League Spring 2009 Open
loss   W.H.C  0 Sunday, 10/05/09 14:00 28
loss   Luger: Acht mal Tod  0 Monday, 13/04/09 14:30 17
loss   Here to Own  0 Monday, 30/03/09 13:00 1