Czech Slovakia Rangers  "TMNF, STML"  id:  3966789
Name Czech Slovakia Rangers
Shorthandle CSR
Registered since 18/03/09
Subteam of Czech Slovakia Rangers
Headquarters  Czechia
If you are a skilled player and wanna join us, contact Bossy
ICQ: 383-644-844

If you are interested in CW and have you luck or skill, you can write us through this forum. Not every request will be accepted due to time reason.
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Latest matches
  TrackMania Nations Forever Slavic Trackmania League Season II
draws   Ku!out  + 1 Tuesday, 02/03/10 13:30 3
wins   National Racing Club  + 3 Sunday, 14/02/10 13:30 3
wins   X-treme Speed Team  + 3 Monday, 01/02/10 13:30 3