Crappy Punk Rock Team  182  id:  3996984
Name Crappy Punk Rock Team
Shorthandle SUCK TOM
Registered since 29/03/09
Headquarters  United States
Area/Region Carom3D
Crossed the street, naked at night
Bent over to show some moonlight
Pulled out some beer and I gulped it down
Nude in a gutter is how I was found

Thrown in the policecar and the door slammed
No noise, just silence, as I screamed, my *ick was
Jammed, now in prison for one month, no one to see
All I got is a guy Ben Dover
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Latest matches
  Carom3D 8 Ball 2on2 Winter Cup 2011
loss   HighVoltage  0 Thursday, 17/02/11 14:00 1
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 10/02/11 14:00 0