RIP Version 3   id:  4043496
Name RIP Version 3
Shorthandle -v3.
Registered since 14/04/09
Headquarters  International
Area/Region EU and NA
- - Achievements - -
* NA CAL-M S10 2nd Place (10-1) Fall 08'
* 3rd Place NA TWL Intervites Fall 08'
* 2nd Place NA TWL Open Fall 08' (10-2)
* EU CAL-O Undefeated Regular Season S6 (6-0) Summer 08'
* CEVO-NA Freedom Tourney 7th out of 32 Summer 08'
* FTK5 Champs Spring 08'
* 3rd Place NA AOTL Fall 07'
* 25 EcK Tourney Wins ,33 Finals Appearences
  LADS Gaming!  LAD
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