D4Rk1 Ft. D4Rkj3 2on2 CousinZ  FIFA 09  id:  4044466
Name D4Rk1 Ft. D4Rkj3 2on2 CousinZ
Shorthandle CouZ|
Registered since 14/04/09
Homepage http://www.fiferosdevenezuela...
IRC D4Rk1&D4Rkj3  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Venezuela
Area/Region Caracas
Top Fairest Players, looking for the top of the 2on2 Ladder
IRC D4Rk1&D4Rkj3  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  FIFA 09 2on2 Summer League
loss   Mana Battery and Power Supply  0 Friday, 21/08/09 14:00 0
draws   hlopci oligarhy  + 1 Friday, 24/07/09 14:00 0