Pack Blops   id:  4055158
Name Pack Blops
Shorthandle -PB-
Registered since 18/04/09
Subteam of Artificial Intelligence Clan
Headquarters  Germany
Forderungen bitte 1 Woche vorher und wenns geht am WE´s sonst können wir die Forderung leider nicht annehmen

Please ask us for a war about one week before the war begins. It would be very nice if we would fight at weekend because the chance that we have time from Monday to Friday is very low.
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
loss   BrokeN ArroW  -17 Wednesday, 26/01/11 13:00 7
loss   Game-Foundation Golf Foxtrot  -28 Sunday, 23/01/11 13:00 9
loss   Search.Organisation @ BO2  -18 Sunday, 16/01/11 13:00 7