Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (1) Rating History vG.dlx id: 4140144 Name vG.dlx Registered since 22/05/09 Homepage Headquarters Germany Members Orga piranja Contact Join team ..Rules during the Match: .do not flame .always finish your match (until its a loss/win) .do not cheat .correct SteamIDs .record demos .correct serversettings ..Rules after the Match: .please evaluate our behavior, not the result .winner registers the result .please confirm or register the result fast ..Generally use ESL Aequitas! SteamIDs: p!r4nj4: 0:0:22517 nP`: 0:1:841187 Cyclops: 0:1:657168 padre: 0:0:7695206 sonic`: 0:0:3064687 styla: 0:1:1277304