Russia.DoW2   id:  4374079
Name Russia.DoW2
Shorthandle Rus
Registered since 23/08/09
Headquarters  Russia
I was trying to create strong, balanced and various team. That was very difficult task cos of present balance, but now I have all races represented, best players from two Russian top clans and one from International clan in my team. So I hope they will show whoz da biggest and we will not get problems with morale cos bogger cant find good prizes for this cup.
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  Dawn of War II Clanwar Country Championships Groupstage
wins   Alps.DoW2  + 4 Sunday, 11/10/09 12:00 9
loss   China.DoW2  + 2 Sunday, 27/09/09 12:00 15
wins   United Kingdom.DoW2  + 5 Sunday, 20/09/09 12:00 10
wins   Scandinavia.DoW2  + 4 Sunday, 13/09/09 12:00 9