in memory of energy-WAVE e.V.  CS:S & CS:GO  id:  4431695
Name in memory of energy-WAVE e.V.
Shorthandle eWAVE e.V.
Registered since 17/09/09
IRC #eWAVE  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of eWAVE Honoraryteams
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #eWAVE  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One Qualifier Cup DE 2
loss   GoPowerRangers  0 Friday, 31/01/14 13:00 2
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive EMS One Qualifier Cup DE 1
loss   BK Dragons CS:GO EMS One  0 Friday, 17/01/14 13:00 4
  CS:GO Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
loss   back with GOOD karma  -21 Sunday, 17/11/13 15:20
loss   Ladderaccount  -24 Sunday, 17/11/13 14:40 2
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 A-Series
wins   in memory of verzager  + 25 Sunday, 27/10/13 16:00 5
loss   in memory of we kick ass -  -20 Sunday, 08/09/13 15:00 5
loss   ZERKLOPPEN  -20 Thursday, 29/08/13 15:00 9
loss   bloody Angels  -20 Monday, 26/08/13 15:00 8
loss   FOR MOTHER RUSSlA  -20 Tuesday, 20/08/13 15:00 13
wins   in Memory of Wild-Play e.V.  + 25 Monday, 19/08/13 15:00 4
energy-WAVE e.V. founded in 2006 © - <<Gaming is Lifestyle>>


¤ energy-WAVE e.V.
¤ [email protected]
¤ Vorstand: Achmed 'bloob' Stranz

¤ Team Manager: Achmed 'bloob' Stranz

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¤ energy-WAVE e.V. Ticketsystem.

Das Management setzt sich dann mit Dir in Verbindung.


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¤ Sponsor gesucht!
¤ Sponsor gesucht!



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Copyright 2006 - 2013 by energy-WAVE e.V. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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¤ GSH #25 (11. - 13.10.2013) CS:S 5on5 Gruppenphase - Platz 2
¤ GSH #25 (11. - 13.10.2013) CS:S 5on5 Finale - Platz 2
¤ Stauferland-Lan X (03. - 05.01.2014) CS:S 5on5 - Platz 5
¤ Stauferland-Lan X (03. - 05.01.2014) CS:GO 5on5 Gruppenphase - Platz 2
¤ Stauferland-Lan X (03. - 05.01.2014) CS:GO 5on5 Finale - Platz 5