Brothers in Arms ' baseNET  ht  id:  450776
Name Brothers in Arms ' baseNET
Shorthandle =BiA=
Registered since 04/03/03
IRC  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Czechia

║ ۩ Brothers in Arms [ Head Team ]


║ ☼ Management:

║ ► Tomáš "Timer" Huňa Brothers in Arms leader
║ ► Marcel "theruce" Balon Brothers in Arms manager
║ ► Aleš "Betlem" Koval Call of Duty 2 section leader
║ ► Michal "rbT" Csontoš Counter-Strike section leader
║ ► Jaroslav "" Lanq Counter-Strike: Source red section leader
║ ► Michal "rObOt" Csontoš Counter-Strike: Source blue section leader
║ ► Lukáš "meRci" Kula Medal of Honor: Allied Assault section leader
║ ► Radek "Quik" Řehák NHL section leader
║ ► Štěpán "Inverso" Haumer Tactical Ops section leader


║ @ Contact:

║ ► web:
║ ► irc: @ QuakeNET
║ ► e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
║ ► icq: 159-150-091 [Timer] or 197-684-257 [theruce]


║ ♥ Sponsors:

║ ► baseNET


║ © Movies:

║ ► Counter-Strike: TraileR Of the Brothers In Arms by Mortuary Arts
║ ► Call of Duty 2: Brothers in Arms-RoMMeL GaMing movie
║ ► Medal of Honor Allied Assault: BiA vs HRTG

IRC  (QuakeNet)
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