JustGamers  - HQ  id:  4842578
Name JustGamers
Shorthandle JG|
Registered since 15/02/10
Homepage http://www.JustGamers.eu
IRC #JustGamers  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #JustGamers  (QuakeNet)
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The JustGamers Team is a new professional video gaming team, consisting of players from across the globe who all make a living through competing in video game tournaments.

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gamed!de offers a product range entirely dedicated to eSports. Founded in the beginning of 2006, gamed!de has established itself among the biggest providers on the market. For the Games Convention 2007, the website gameserver.gamed.de was relaunched, adding a series of essential improvements to the product line.

Besides classic game servers, which offer a rotation of more than 300 games for the customer to choose from, a new product was introduced: EPS Servers ? a high end game server line, designed to meet the high requirements of the ESL Pro Series. Running stable at a high FPS-rate, (1000 FPS for CS 1.6, and 500 FPS for CS:S) EPS Servers represent current state-of-the-art equipment.
- Visit Gamed.de

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