BaamBoom  Team BB  id:  4932164
Name BaamBoom
Shorthandle ⌠BB⌡
Registered since 15/03/10
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region Deutschland
╔══►Status : AKTIV
╠═══════► Skill:LOW-bis-
╠══════► Spiel Zeit Ab 20uhr!!
╠═════════► Clan:BaamBoom
╠═══════════► MATCHES: Erst Nachfragen dann Fordern!!
╠════► Kein Geflame oder Beleidigungen
╠══════► GL and HF in CS:GO and RL
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
loss   AbSoLuT  -14 Thursday, 03/03/11 15:00 6
draws   Team eKore  -2 Monday, 31/01/11 15:00 14
loss   Notorious Zeros  -22 Sunday, 30/01/11 14:30 8
loss   Schlotzalecka  -32 Monday, 24/01/11 14:00 5
loss   Oldschool Retro  -20 Thursday, 16/12/10 14:00 13