Facta non Verba  Tactical Ops 3.4  id:  5020907
Name Facta non Verba
Shorthandle {FnV}
Registered since 19/04/10
Headquarters  European Union
Area/Region Europe
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Latest matches
  Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror 3.4 5on5 League Season V
wins   mkultra  + 3 Sunday, 20/06/10 12:00 5
wins   Dummy  + 3 Sunday, 13/06/10 12:00 0
wins   United Network : To-AoT  + 3 Sunday, 06/06/10 12:00 9
wins   Indapak Gaming  + 3 Sunday, 23/05/10 12:00 12
wins   lGl  + 3 Sunday, 16/05/10 12:00 4
wins   Team KAUT  + 3 Sunday, 09/05/10 12:00 4
{FnV} means Facta non Verba.
In english it means: No words but deeds.
The new version of {FnV} is the clan -Q4q*,
which means Quality 4 Quantity.
They are still a clan but we started with the oldskool clan.