katy z mm   id:  5076455
This team account is barraged and cannot generate any new matches (challenge) or be generated (be challenged/Auto-Challenger). Open matches can, however, still be played.

Name katy z mm
Shorthandle katy
Registered since 17/05/10
Headquarters  Poland

26/11/16 - 26/11/26 Barred Players Count Too High
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  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
loss   numero uno nicht numero dos  -25 Thursday, 24/11/16 11:03
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AWP Europe
loss   BAUMHAUSPROFIS  -4 Saturday, 12/11/16 08:35
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
loss   Murray ft. Curry  -19 Saturday, 12/11/16 07:47