Hooksportz.cbf BAEM   id:  5246330
Name Hooksportz.cbf BAEM
Shorthandle hook.
Registered since 14/08/10
Homepage http://www.hooked.org
IRC Hook3sport  (AngelEyez)
Headquarters  European Union
Area/Region Crane @ Halong port
The way it should be! --The team that always will stay on top!--

► If you want a Match, contact @ icq/msn
► Don´t flame in game.
► Use ingame chat only if necessary.
► Play hard & FAIR ( no cheating ).
► Don\'t Camp extreemly hard !
► Please confirm the result quickly after the match,
► The winners upload the screenshots / replays
IRC Hook3sport  (AngelEyez)
Join team
Latest matches
  Vietcong Teamplay Ladder
wins   Fight the Power  + 11 Wednesday, 17/08/11 14:00 10
wins   Ban for molesting a cat  + 6 Thursday, 14/07/11 17:45 8
wins   Happy Gay Team  + 8 Saturday, 09/07/11 17:00 8
wins   Happy Gay Team  + 8 Sunday, 19/06/11 17:35 8
wins   Happy Gay Team  + 6 Tuesday, 24/05/11 17:00 8
wins   HeartBreakZ  + 6 Tuesday, 24/05/11 15:00 7
wins   Fight the Power  + 9 Thursday, 19/05/11 15:00 8
wins   Happy Gay Team  + 8 Tuesday, 17/05/11 16:45 8
wins   Happy Gay Team  + 6 Tuesday, 03/05/11 16:30 7
wins   White Trash  + 25 Tuesday, 05/04/11 16:00 5