Death's Embrace Online   id:  527441
Name Death's Embrace Online
Shorthandle team-de
Registered since 17/06/03
IRC #team-de  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
IRC #team-de  (QuakeNet)
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About Death's Embrace

Gründung: 24. September 1999
Closed: Datum nicht bekannt (2004)
Gründer: kuNgiBoY
Neueröffnung: In planung

Death's Embrace powered by




2004 CS 5on5 MR15 Amateur Series 1st Division 3rd
2004 Clanbase CounterStrike Central Qualifier Qualified
2004 CZE WCG Qualifier 2004 1st
2004 ESWC Qualifier in Prague 2nd
2003 CZE WCG Qualifier 2003 2nd
2003 CS Czech X-mas CUP 2003 2nd
2003 CS GZ final ClanBase #2 2nd
2003 Czech CS Progamingshopcup in Hradec Králové 2nd
2003 Czech GameZone Level Cup 3rd
2003 Czech ProGamers League 4th
2003 Esl Pro Series Season I CS 5on5 10th
2003 Gamers Domain 1st
2003 Swedish e-Sport League Qualifier 2nd
2003 Dream Hack 1/4 Finals
2003 GGA wcg prequalifier lan 1st
2003 i14 LAN 2nd
2003 ECSL Burstfire Cup 2nd
2003 Rendezvous LAN 5th
2002 Rendezvous LAN 2nd
2002 Clanbase Open Cup Fall 2002 Division 2 4th
2001 XGC Online Cup 5th
2001 5th
2001 UKT LAN #4 7th
2000 UKT LAN #1 5th

Unreal Tournament 99:

2004 Clanbase UT Domination Cup Spring 2004 Final
2004 Clanbase EuroCup IX - UT CTF 2004 1/4 Finals
2003 Unreal Clan Ladder - UTCTF 1st
2003 Unreal Clan Ladder - MIX 1st
2003 Clanbase UT CTF International 5on5 1st
2003 Unreal Clan Ladder - TDMpro 1st
2003 Unreal EuroCup VIII 2003 1st
2003 Unreal League Germany Cup 2003 1st
2003 Unreal UT Domination Cup Fall 2003 2nd
2003 Unrealgamers League 2003 - UT CTF 2nd
2002 Jolt UT CTF League 1st

Battlefield 1942:

2004 Clanbase BF1942 Conquest Europe 3rd
2004 Clanbase BF1942 Eastern Front CUP 2nd
2004 I. Electronic Arts Hungary Battlefield LAN Party 1st

Enemy Territority:

2003 ET-League 1st
2003 1st
2003 ESL Germany Enemy Territory 6on6 1st
2003 Premier League 4th
2003 Alpha Group Season VI 1st
2003 third league Enemy Territory Cup Fall 2003 1st

Reutrn to Castle Wolfenstein:

2003 Quakecon Qualifiers in Dallas, USA 1st
2003 Swertcw Cup 2nd
2003 Gamersdomain 1st
2003 Wolfenstein EuroCup VIII 1st
2003 Stopwatch 6v6 1st
2003 Premier League 7th

Warcraft III:

2003 WarCraft3 EuroCup VIII - Warcraft III TFT 1/4 Finals

Tactical Ops:

2003 ESL Tactical Ops Premiership 2nd
2003 ESL Tactical Ops 5on5 4th
2003 Tactical Ops EuroCup VIII 4th
2003 Tactical Ops Cup Spring 2003 1st

Jedi Knight 2:

2002 Clanbase Jedi Knight 2 Capture The Flag Cup 1st
2002 ESL Jedi Knight 2 CTF 2nd
2002 ESL Jedi Knight 2 TDM 4th

Jedi Outcast:

2001 Jedi Outcast CTF Full Force Ladder 1st
2001 Jedi Outcast CTF Full Force Ladder 1st