GEEs und Flo  NeXus  id:  5390234
Name GEEs und Flo
Shorthandle :D
Registered since 18/10/10
IRC :D  (German-freakz)
Subteam of NeXus e.Sports
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region NRW
Critical :D
IRC :D  (German-freakz)
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Latest matches
  Germany Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 2on2 HC S&D Ladder
wins   InZane Crew 2on2  + 18 Monday, 27/06/11 14:00 0
wins   The Beerbrothers  + 23 Sunday, 05/06/11 14:00 0
wins   qL Gaming  + 29 Tuesday, 31/05/11 14:00 0