In Memory.Lethal Combination  .CA  id:  5438015
Name In Memory.Lethal Combination
Shorthandle LeCo
Registered since 09/11/10
Headquarters  International
Area/Region all over the world
Join team
Latest matches
  Combat Arms Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
wins   OnlineGamingPT  + 4 Tuesday, 08/02/11 16:00 4
  Combat Arms Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
loss   PUSHUJ DZIFKO  -27 Tuesday, 08/02/11 12:00 6
wins   sup kiddos  + 30 Saturday, 05/02/11 11:15 6
  Combat Arms Search & Destroy 4on4 Pro Ladder
draws   NoWAYouT  + 1 Monday, 07/02/11 15:15 5
wins   German Patriots  + 18 Monday, 07/02/11 14:00 4
  Combat Arms Nightcup #18 - 4on4 S&D New Pro Rules #2
wins   OnlineGamingPT  + 2 Friday, 04/02/11 15:00 3
wins   G3R .oldsql  + 2 Friday, 04/02/11 14:00 2
wins   In Memory of Biogenix eSport  + 2 Friday, 04/02/11 13:00 2
  Combat Arms Search & Destroy 3on3 Opening Cup - Finals
loss   Shac eGaming  0 Sunday, 30/01/11 12:00 6
loss   Spanish Style  0 Sunday, 30/01/11 11:00 2
We are done. Thanks to the mates and player in that team. Was a great time. GL to all of u in future.
Thx to Buffolo Soldier for always bringing good mood to the TS.
Thx to Rayden that he is like he is a nice guy and a good friend.
Thx to Alex that he always was there for me and the team.
Thx to Rodrigo that he still cant speak perfect english but always is stoned and funny.
Thx to QuamWave that he always helped me and always was there when we need him.
Thx to St4r that he is my bro and always pushed me back :D.
Thx to Zyos that he always annoyed all on TS with his gaystuff :D.
Thx to Slinky that he always jokes and is like a little boy.
Thx to Emperor for the backup all time.
Thx to Iro the craziest polak i ever meet.

thx to all of u for great matches and really nice frags!

See u all
best regards


Lethal Combination is an ensemble of players from Legion.B and German Patriots.

═╣ Team Member

Owner & Leader
\\\\\\\'Arshavin23\\\\\\\' - Legion.B - Russia

Owner & Leader
\\\\\\\'God-of-Thunder\\\\\\\' - German Patriots - Germany (National Player)

\\\\\\\'FaithSFX-\\\\\\\' - Legion.B - Portugal

\\\\\\\'QuamWave\\\\\\\' - German Patriots - Germany (National Player)

\\\\\\\'ZyoS\\\\\\\' - German Patriots - Germany (National Player)

\\\\\\\'Emperor_\\\\\\\' - Legion.B - Greece (National Player)

\\\\\\\'The Loner Stoner\\\\\\\' - German Patriots - Turkey

\\\\\\\'r0dt3x\\\\\\\' - Legion.B - Portugal

═╣ Achievements

Online Events

#1 - The BSB\\\'s Extreme Challenge (Cup)

═╣ Contact

mIRC: url[irc://][#germanpatriots]url @ Quakenet