IFOR   id:  5577238
Shorthandle [IFOR]
Registered since 09/01/11
Homepage http://www.iforclan.net
Headquarters  International
Area/Region Europe/USA
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Latest matches
  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Infantry nonFBF Ladder
loss   italyteam  -26 Thursday, 05/05/11 15:30 4
loss   In memory of BC2 6on6/4on4  -23 Sunday, 17/04/11 12:45 2
wins   DTV Core  + 22 Sunday, 10/04/11 16:00 4
wins   Legion 52  + 27 Sunday, 10/04/11 14:00 6
loss   No Butter Team  -17 Thursday, 31/03/11 16:00 3
loss   RED STAR ALLIANCE  -29 Monday, 14/03/11 16:00 10
We are a online gaming community and clan for anyone who wishes to have a great gaming experience, fellowship and support in- and outside the game.

We are currently active within BF2142 and Bad Company 2.

We are a player operated and maintained community.

We have members from all over the world; Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Canada and USA.