Factor-Gamers.com   id:  5622532
Name Factor-Gamers.com
Shorthandle FG
Registered since 27/01/11
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Counter-Strike Cups NightCup #10 5on5 3 Miejsce
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  Counter-Strike Cups NightCup #14 - 4on4 FR
loss   M JAK MARCHEW  0 Friday, 04/02/11 13:00 24
  Counter-Strike Cups NightCup #10 5on5
wins   Sokolka  + 2 Thursday, 27/01/11 16:00 12
loss   CZARNE PYTONGI  0 Thursday, 27/01/11 15:00 20
wins   zaklad karny and maskotka  + 2 Thursday, 27/01/11 14:00 14
wins   fragworks  + 2 Thursday, 27/01/11 13:00 3