Disciples of Da Gr8 Whale Lord   id:  5671510
Name Disciples of Da Gr8 Whale Lord
Shorthandle WHALE
Registered since 13/02/11
Headquarters  United States

  USA League of Legends Season I Premier : 4 Minor, 0 Majors
09.05.11 2 Minor Penalty ( )
09.05.11 2 Minor Penalty ( )
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Latest matches
  USA League of Legends Season I Premier
loss   compLexity  0 Friday, 10/06/11 17:00 0
loss   Team SoloMid  0 Friday, 03/06/11 20:00 0
loss   Defy All Odds  0 Thursday, 26/05/11 17:00 0
loss   jpak and friends  0 Thursday, 19/05/11 17:00 1
loss   Team Dignitas  0 Thursday, 12/05/11 17:00 0
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 05/05/11 17:00 0
  USA League of Legends 5on5 DreamHack NA Qualifier
loss   Defy All Odds  0 Saturday, 21/05/11 16:00 0
loss   Team SoloMid  0 Saturday, 21/05/11 15:00 0
  USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 9 (May 1st)
loss   OGBears  0 Sunday, 01/05/11 16:00 0
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 01/05/11 15:00 0
We are the disciples of the whale lord. The whale lord is worshiped by many cities like Tokyo, New York, Pasadena, London, and Cancun. He controls the cities and demands a yearly sacrifice and requires many offerings. He also has the power of hypnosis and can easily read your mind within a quarter of a second. To his loyal subjects he grants water breathing and fins. When cities anger him he causes tsunamis. He can speak to under sea creatures and demands tribute from them in the form of shiny gems. He loves shinies. The whale lord prefers mustard over ketchup as well. Sometimes the whale lord sends emissaries ashore to the beaches of the world in the form of rotting carcasses. He sends these as a tribute to the bird lady from Home Alone 2 because she is ruler of all birds. They have great friendship between them, they often IM each other and talk of whales and birds. You can see their great friendship between their subjects when a bird lands on a whales back while it has breached. This is a beautiful thing. Fins and feathers. The whale lord also maintains great relations with the Dog God. This is the fastest of gods. His speed is great to behold. Whales are some of the strongest creatures in the world. It is a misconception that whales eat plankton when it is fact that all whales eat meat. If a whale becomes a vegetarian, it is then outcast by society and forced to become a window washer for whale cars and whale houses under th sea. These are possibly the lowest lifeforms of whale culture because they do not eat meat. Whales worship the whale lord and he only eats meat and not vegetables or vegetable products.