Jesus Missiles   id:  5820516
Name Jesus Missiles
Shorthandle J/M
Registered since 10/04/11
Headquarters  United States
We are Jesus Missiles, an American team initially created by Pedwik and FoREVer. Our third team mate, Nukaazul, joined after he realized that Pedwik and FoREVer were better than him.

At the moment we only play Crasher seriously and would be interested in a sponsor (if there is one.)

[Special thanks to M4L for our logo]
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Latest matches
  Crasher 3on3 Crasher Cup Series #2 - CBA
wins   Millenium.LOL  + 2 Monday, 11/04/11 16:30 2
wins   JustYce#Cr  + 2 Monday, 11/04/11 15:45 2
wins   (bye)  Monday, 11/04/11 15:00 0
  Crasher 3on3 Crasher Cup Series #3 - CTC
wins   Infused goes huge !  + 2 Friday, 18/03/11 17:00 0
wins   p12  + 2 Friday, 18/03/11 16:00 0