Elite.Shake   id:  5925023
Name Elite.Shake
Shorthandle shake »
Registered since 24/05/11
Homepage http://www.elite-gaming.eu
Headquarters  European Union
Elite.Shake seek 2 Lights!
Interest? Add the Leader or write us a Pn!

\\ Sniper //
- Venum -

\\ Light //
- brutuz -
- Rauchny -
- fusioN -
- Z3b -
- Tazoo - [inactive]
- HighKiKi - [inactive]
- Gonzo - [inactive]

\\ Heavy //
- BoomS -
- Fialova -
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Latest matches
  Day of Defeat: Source 6on6 Ladder
wins   Lets DrinK!  0 Thursday, 16/06/11 14:30 9
wins   Killuminati (Le)  0 Sunday, 12/06/11 13:00 9
wins   MagicgaMer2.DODS  + 11 Sunday, 05/06/11 14:30 6