Team-Sysnesis  BeNeLux  id:  5927006
Name Team-Sysnesis
Shorthandle Sysnesis
Registered since 24/05/11
IRC #Sysnesis  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Belgium
Area/Region Antwerpen
IRC #Sysnesis  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 CM Storm Super June #4 (09/06/11)
loss   SiCkGamOrs!  0 Thursday, 09/06/11 17:00 7
loss   Naturals eSports CSS  0 Thursday, 09/06/11 16:00 1
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 09/06/11 15:00 0
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 09/06/11 14:00 0
Since June 13, 2011
Since April 7, 2011
Welcome to Sysnesis Group. This clan has just been start up, its been official since 13/06/2011. Now, We are a clan that just likes to hang out and just likes to have fun. If u are invited to this group, than that means that someone has invited you. Doesn't mean that you are in the clan, just means that ur a known person in Sysnesis

if you want to challenge us visite our website and press link challenge .

Our servers are mainly to have fun on., so please dont act like children. Dont Be Racist, Just have fun. There is a Strick Rule of no cheating on Sysnesis Servers , if a person is found that is cheating he is perm banned. So please, I do not or I dont want to be a admin to ban you.

We currenlty only recruit ages of 15+. So please, if not 15 and over, Dont ask. If u are 15 years of age or older, please go to our website and send a reqeust. Thank you

If U feel that you want to be apart of Sysnesis, or just want to be in our community, Messaged me or one of these admins on the community to get in.

We are now competeing in and against many other clans. We are setting up a scrim team. If you want to join, ask Samiirr , Lucky or Ugur about it.

Hope you injoy our server. Please talk to one of our admins if any problems do arrive.

Best Regards