Wale z Wiadra   id:  5949575
Name Wale z Wiadra
Shorthandle WIADRO
Registered since 03/06/11
Headquarters  Poland
Area/Region Siedlce
Walimy wiadra na pełnej ku**e
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Latest matches
  League of Legends EU East and Nordic 5on5 Ladder
loss   Against All  -25 Monday, 13/06/11 13:00 3
loss   Kieszonkowe Potwory  -27 Thursday, 09/06/11 15:00 3
loss   Polish Stars Gaming - LOL  -25 Thursday, 09/06/11 14:00 3
wins   Expendables Rushers  + 25 Sunday, 05/06/11 12:00 2