Minutemen   id:  5973054
Name Minutemen
Shorthandle 60s
Registered since 12/06/11
Homepage http://ehaxball.pl/t-Minutemen..
Headquarters  Poland
Ours is the Fury!
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Latest matches
  HaxBall 3on3 Ladder
loss   Save the girl!  -23 Wednesday, 21/12/11 15:05 6
wins   Rebels  + 20 Wednesday, 21/12/11 14:24 4
loss   Los Asphalts  -8 Wednesday, 21/12/11 13:49 6
loss   L . A . M . Y . T . O . M . Y  -6 Monday, 05/12/11 14:24 3
loss   The Capokkions  -21 Monday, 14/11/11 12:36 6
wins   le rocce!!!  + 22 Monday, 14/11/11 12:13 4
wins   oOBuGGedOo  + 31 Tuesday, 08/11/11 11:13 4
loss   Amigos  -26 Wednesday, 02/11/11 11:12 4
wins   Gli Scarsotti  + 18 Wednesday, 02/11/11 10:37 4
loss   CROATS  -32 Wednesday, 28/09/11 16:42 3