S!ick   id:  6056897
Name S!ick
Shorthandle Sick
Registered since 14/07/11
Headquarters  United States
Area/Region United States
We usually do not get on at an early time like you guys so you must think about the time you send for us, we are like 6-7 hours behind you so take that into consideration. We are most active on weekends.

Chaos -- chao3838
Brandon -- ub3rpwnag3
Khan -- khan4u
Dez -- d3smadr3
Join team
Latest matches
  War Rock Open Ladder 3on3+ CQC Europe
loss   Fookin Screenlag  -8 Sunday, 18/12/11 18:15 20
loss   2ez  -7 Saturday, 10/12/11 13:05 15
loss   Fookin Screenlag  -7 Sunday, 04/12/11 16:00 13
wins   A.S. Audere Semper eSports  + 6 Friday, 02/12/11 21:30 20
wins   Big Nick Digger  + 12 Saturday, 26/11/11 22:00 14
wins   Darkstarz Team  + 1 Saturday, 26/11/11 17:30 11
wins   Marlboro Death  + 2 Sunday, 20/11/11 12:00 12
wins   Feel the Flow  + 5 Saturday, 12/11/11 13:00 10
wins   A.S. Audere Semper eSports  + 6 Friday, 11/11/11 20:55 12
loss   TRD Allstarz  + 3 Monday, 07/11/11 17:00 16