Nounours   id:  6066138
Name Nounours
Shorthandle Nounours-
Registered since 18/07/11
Headquarters  France


fLip => thomawan

Allsopi => horndean23
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Latest matches
  Star Wars: Battlefront II Capture The Flag 2on2 Ladder
loss   professional Insanity  -7 Monday, 30/01/12 10:30 10
wins   BroStyle#1  + 14 Saturday, 14/01/12 12:50 4
loss   SKILL CAPPED ROYAL  -21 Saturday, 07/01/12 16:40 5
loss   HALL OF FAME  -14 Friday, 29/07/11 09:45 8
  Star Wars: Battlefront II Conquest 2on2 Ladder
loss   SKILL CAPPED 2on2 CON  -5 Thursday, 21/07/11 11:40 9
wins   eXepT 2on2  + 13 Wednesday, 20/07/11 08:30 8