Omega Christ Missionarie   id:  6182319
Name Omega Christ Missionarie
Shorthandle OCM
Registered since 01/09/11
Headquarters  United States
Area/Region New York
Our goal is spread the gospel to the gaming community. To tell those that have yet to hear about Christ, what he has done for us as filthy sinners, and for those who have heard a little bit, to retell this amazing story, this amazing gift from God that saved us from total destruction from ourselves.
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Latest matches
  USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup #50 (Feb 19)
loss   Empire Arcadia  0 Wednesday, 19/12/12 15:00 0
  USA League of Legends 5on5 Ladder
loss   Paranormal Attack  -26 Friday, 28/10/11 21:00 0
loss   Inconsistency  -24 Saturday, 10/09/11 21:00 1
loss   Ill Deny  -14 Friday, 09/09/11 22:00 0
  USA League of Legends Go4LoL Go4LoL Cup 27 (Sept 4th)
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 04/09/11 15:00 0