Press Start Game  CS GO  id:  6302703
Name Press Start Game
Shorthandle PSG
Registered since 23/10/11
Headquarters  Belgium

Kaat (Chef)
Matthijs (Higher then chef but got nothin' to say)
Davitomon (Lower then Matthijs but higher then chef, got nothin' to say)
Infy (useless)
Rmb (even more useless the useless)
Contr0l (don't know this guy but he belongs in the team somehow)

(If everything else fails)
Luke (Boyfriend of the chef, probably has nothing to say in cyber and real world, poor guy)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
loss   Rolling Dice  -26 Sunday, 27/11/11 14:53 4
loss   GAY COWBOY GISLI  -10 Friday, 25/11/11 14:30 13