CliQue Gaming   id:  6402389
Name CliQue Gaming
Shorthandle Clique-
Registered since 28/11/11
Headquarters  Sweden
Area/Region Sweden
We are a former 8on8 Conquest team that due to lack of interest of the game, quit that scene.

There still are members that fancies to shoot some people up while planting MCOMs and capping flags though. That's why we've created a team for the 4on4 SQDRSH ladder, which currently is the only active format of play we're doing right now.
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
loss   RelaX Esport  -24 Sunday, 05/05/13 15:00 4
loss   b!inspired  -8 Sunday, 28/04/13 15:00 8
loss   United Forces  -12 Tuesday, 23/04/13 14:00 6
loss   German Professional Offensive  -12 Sunday, 21/04/13 14:00 2
loss   P12  -14 Saturday, 20/04/13 14:00 8
wins   RYTIRI K.H.MACHY  + 9 Sunday, 14/04/13 14:00 8
loss   RED ARMY TEAM  0 Friday, 12/04/13 14:20
wins   Man Or Mouse  + 30 Wednesday, 10/04/13 15:45 17
  Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
loss   HAX HYPERION TEAM  -4 Sunday, 11/11/12 14:00 2
loss   Cause 5on5 suxX  -22 Monday, 24/09/12 14:30 4